Genius for Home 1st Place Winner 第二屆聯發科技數位社會創新首獎

MediaTek organized the 2nd “Genius for Home” Competition, with 360 teams participating, and "Farm a Better Fish" won the first prize. The team developed a Smart Timelapse Monitoring & Searching System for Underwater Environments. Starting from Qigu District in Tainan, Taiwan, they plan to introduce this smart monitoring system to solve the current dilemma of labor shortage and inefficiency of manual sampling, and ultimately make fishery attractive to young people.

聯發科本次舉行的智在家鄉競賽已經是第二屆,參賽隊伍達360組,最後由「Farm a Better Fish團隊」獲得首獎,以AIoT水產養殖監測與自動成長評量系統為題,從臺南市七股區作為起點,並導入養殖漁業的水中魚體成長監控與管理,以解決目前水產養殖缺工與人工採樣高耗損無效率的困境,試圖解決漁村老化與人口外移造成的缺工問題,並讓更多青年有機會返鄉。

Many agriculture-centered towns in Taiwan are plagued by aging industries and population outflow. Young people leave their hometowns to pursue jobs in other industries in the big cities. Fewer and fewer people are willing to work in agriculture and fishery sectors, leading to a severe labor shortage in those aging industries. The AIoT monitoring and automatic growth assessment system for underwater environments will help fishery transform and improve efficiency. It will also promise the industry and the environment a more sustainable future.

台灣有許多以農業為主的鄉鎮,長年都面臨著產業老化、人口外移這些問題。年輕人前往其他大城市追求其他產業的工作,願意從事農漁業的人口越來越少,也讓傳統農業面臨著缺工的難題。藉由 AIoT 水產養殖監測與自動成長評量系統,幫助產業進行數位轉型、提高產業的執行效率,也對產業和環境的永續發展有實質的助益。